League of Legends is undoubtedly one of the greatest eSports games ever created. Why, then, did I not include it on my Top 5 eSports games list? Because I do what I want, that’s why. There is no shortage of extremely talented League of Legends teams out there, especially judging by the number of team lists online.
But, as we finally begin to embrace the fact that 2018 is over and we didn’t get anything done (well, except me. I at least wrote this article) and look forward to 2019, we should take a look at which League of Legends teams you should consider betting on in the last teenage year of the century.

G2 eSports League of Legends – 5th Place
Let’s kick things off with a team that has overcome an interesting amount of drama to get where they are today. Despite having a tough time at international events and literally losing 80 percent of their team at one point, G2 eSports has overcome these issues and looks to continue overcoming adversity and making a name in the competitive scene.
Plus, they are currently ranked in the top 10 best League of Legends teams by a website called LoL Betting Sites. Which, judging by the name, probably means you should bet on them. Let’s see how they perform in the upcoming summoner battles.

SK Gaming League of Legends – 4th Place
You know that person that shows up to every party you go to and is always nice, funny, and generous? Well, that’s not me. But SK Gaming definitely fills that role, as the team has currently participated in a total of 75 League of Legends tournaments. You read that right, 75! When you combine the amount of tournaments that SK Gaming and I have participated in, it’s… well, still 75. But that is a lot nonetheless!
The team also has plenty of diverse players, with participants from Brazil, the U.S., Sweden, Korea, and more. SK Gaming also plays a ton of different games, such as Warcraft III, Counter-Strike, and CS: Source. Still no word on if they’re any good at Pac-Man though. In any case a solid team across the whole eSports gamma.

Kingzone DragonX League of Legends – 3rd Place
You know how I was just praising SK Gaming for appearing in all those tournaments? Well, this team’s a little different. You see, they’ve only participated in four LOL tournaments. WAIT, I HAVE A REASON! Despite this small sample size, Kingzone DragonX has won over $400,000 in those tournaments alone.
Additionally, they currently rank in the Top 25 earning LOL teams with those mere four appearances. Why else do I have them ranked this high? Well, they have a really cool name that just sounds like a heavy-thrashing metal band. I have to give credit where credit is due. Will take note of how they perform during the year!

Royal Never Give Up League of Legends – 2nd Place
Now, if there’s something I’m personally not the best at, it’s focusing. For example, there was one time that I left the house just to go get a bag of potato chips and accidentally sunk my life savings into a timeshare on the way. Anyways, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, focus. Well, one team that definitely does not share this struggle is Royal Never Give Up, who focus 96.22% of their gaming on League of Legends.
The rest is spent on some obscure games called PUBG, Dota 2, and Hearthstone. Whatever those are. With a main focus on League of Legends and ranking in the top 5 earning teams for the game, Royal Never Give Up is one team you shouldn’t give up on.

SK Telecom T1 League of Legends – 1st Place
Was it difficult crowning the greatest LOL team in the world? Yes. Did I crumble under the pressure a bit? Yes. But I’m stronger for it. SK Telecom T1 has a number of reasons for being ranked number one. And, unlike Kingzone DragonX, they didn’t have a cool name to rest on. One of the factors that makes this team rank so high is their overall earnings, which currently rank first and eclipse every other team on this list.
This definitely makes them worth watching on betting sites such as EBG. And what else does this super rich team have going for them? They happen to have a player that some consider the greatest in the game in Sang Hyeok Lee, better known as Faker. The world’s greatest player on the world’s greatest team? That’s just a little unfair, don’t you think?
Other MOBAs – Dota 2 & The Bucharest Minor
The Bucharest Minor is the second Minor of the 2018/19 season and PGL’s 1st overall Minor. The prize is $300,000 and 500 DPC points for The International 2019, 8 teams from across the globe will be competing for it. The stakes even though a minor are quite huge. The event will be hosted at Bucharest, Romania, from January 9th to 13th, 2019. The winner qualifies to the Chongqing Major. Don’t miss the first opportunity of the year to bet on one of the most popular eSports’ games! Because truly, fornute favors the bold.