Will Kim Kardashian Divorce Kanye West?

Kim Kardashian Next Husband Betting Odds

Barely three weeks have passed since famous rapper Kanye West announced his candidacy for President of the United States Since then, his campaign has crumbled before it even began. The fact that he has been entangled in deleted tweets about divorcing his media-mogul-wife, does not help matters much. Has she had enough? What are the odds of Kim Kardashian getting a new power hubby?

My opinion on the two of them has lightened somewhat after these recent episodes. Kardashian has asked the press for patience and understanding with her husband who she claims suffers from bipolar disorder. In a matter of weeks, Kanye has said he is running for president, and then he announced he will be divorcing his wife. This is really eye-opening for those who haven’t had any interactions with somebody who is suffering from mental illness. So betting on this I guess is just as fragile as it might be while living through a global pandemic.

Kim Kardashian’s Divorce Betting Odds

Will Kim Kardashian File for Divorce?
Yes-155sportsbetting Sportsbook

It’s hard to tell whether or not Kim Kardashian will file for divorce by the end of the year. Kim and Kanye have been married for about seven years, and with four children—it’s hardly an easy decision.

There have been reports in the media, of course, that the couple are “finished”. And I can only make a guess based on what I’ve read, it’s not like I know anything about them.

It seems to me though that the oddsmakers have found a perfect line for this bet. Over at Betonline.ag, the odds are -155 (Yes) that Kim will divorce Kanye by the end of the year. There are +115 (No) odds that she’ll stick it out, not filing the divorce papers just yet.

Man, with so much going on outside the realm of mindless entertainment riffraff, it doesn’t surprise me that the odds here are so ruthlessly on point. In other words, this is a tough bet to handicap.

Can Kim Keep Enabling Kanye?

I want to finally believe in something these people have to say. Maybe I was a little harsh on Kanye last time. But, come on. The guy deserves it.

And I think that’s the whole point here with this wager. Reports have indicated that Kanye is erratic. Kim is the rock in the relationship, apparently.

Just because things are tough right now, it doesn’t mean that Kanye can’t smooth things over. He’s a famous rapper after all. And they have four children together.

So while it seems like they’re finished—at least according to “sources in the press”—I want to believe in love at this moment, even in this regard. I can’t believe I’m writing this. But I think Kim will stay with Kanye, regardless of all his baffling faults.

Why Bet on Kim to Stay with Kanye?

Kim seems to be the only one in Kanye’s life willing to put up with his bullshit. And that’s saying something in this world. How could a rapper be so blind with the woman he loves?

You’ll have plenty of time to put in a wager. Although I’d be willing to wait and see how Kim and Kanye deal with the next week before laying any money down. Though right now, I like the +110 that they will stay married and no papers will be filed.

Do you really want to bet against somebody’s marriage? (As I said before, the oddsmakers did a really good job on this bet.)

Kim’s Next Husband Might Be…

Kim’s Next HusbandOdds
James Harden+800
Paul George+900
Reggie Bush+900

I don’t think it’s even worth speculating on who Kim’s next husband might be. She isn’t going to be getting married to somebody else anytime soon. I hardly know anything about her or Kanye, but I do realize that these odds are abstract at best.

In fact, the whole thing’s ridiculous.

The first two cats are James Harden (+800) and Paul George (+900), two NBA basketball players. Google says they’ve got girlfriends and kids and stuff. So that’s gotta be true. James Harden also dated Khole Kardashian. I don’t think Kim would do that to her sister.

Third place is Reggie Bush (+900). Didn’t he already date Kim? Come on. The oddsmakers fell off the figurative cliff here. These are sucker bets.

My Money’s on Kim

My money’s on Kim being the stronger one in the relationship between her and Kanye. Just because there have been reports of their divorce on the Hollywood wire, it doesn’t mean anything will come of it.

These are rumors. Much like Kanye’s bid for president. This is how novelty betting markets are.

Hell, these lockdowns are making all of us a little bit wacky. Everybody I know has felt a little up and down these past few months. It’s a part of being human in these trying times.

Kanye and Kim are human beings. Never forget that. I’m banking on Kim Kardashian’s humanity here. That’s a sentence I never thought I’d write.

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About the Author

Alonzo Solano

Alonzo Solano

Sports Analyst and Content Writer

Alonzo is a Sports Betting Analyst and casino games enthusiast who has covered Football extensively at SBS, but don’t be surprised if you read him on other sports. He's the host of the NFL Latino TV podcast.

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